Thursday 4 February 2010

My Dream Team

"Well first I'd do Becks, then Gordon Brown (he has the real power), I suppose Sven would be still up to it". No I shouldn't really, stop it, I won't carry on it's not fair to the poor girl...well...

Okay so you got me started, poor Vanessa has said her life is in ruins because of so many lies made against, did I hear that right? Here is a women who knew from the word GO, John Terry is married and I shall not part my legs nor cheat on my boyfriend Wayne Bridge for anything in the whole world. oooohhhhh Vanessa, here's £250,000 for your story...tell us what happened, how did he seduce you, did he say he wasn't married or that his marriage was in trouble? My mum (god bless her) always said, "John, money doesn't shouts". It seems Vanessa is shouting the odds now. However not to be outdone, behind Toni's back, John has agreed to pay a substantial amount of money for her to keep her mouth shut. Perhaps if she'd of kept her legs shut and her mouth, depending what was on offer, she might not be getting this unwanted publicity, eh girl?

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